ASHRAE Speaker of the House Award
I learned over the weekend that I won the below award for Top Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee Chair. Region IX consists of 13 ASHRAE chapters and I was happy to bring recognition to the SD Chapter with this regional award.
Not only are we working to make our customers' buildings energy efficient, we're working to make the entire state more energy efficient. This award represents that push.
This award would not have happened if I didn’t have employees that would cover for me when I was out doing work for ASHRAE and the betterment of our industry – so thank you to our team here!
I feel that it is important to take the little bit of time we get blessed with, and try to make things better for our customers, our industry, and for our kids and future generations. If you happen to get an award while you are doing that, it’s just icing on the cake.
Kasey Abbott, P.E.
Direct Digital Control Inc.
619 South Lyons, Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57106