Heartland Consumers Power District
When you walk in the lobby, Heartland Consumers Power District has a display showing
their current and past energy usage, and how efficient they are being with their energy.
Proof that being efficient with energy is just part of the job description.
In one of the first instances in South Dakota, Heartland Consumers Power District had
chilled beams put in—a technologythat was developed in Europe. Because energy costs
in Europe are higher, they are often on the forefront of new technology increasing the
efficiency of heating and cooling systems. These chilled beams use water to transfer heat
and are more energy efficient than traditional HVAC systems.
Direct Digital Control also provided the control system for the geothermal heating system, which uses the ground to help heat and cool the building, another energy-efficient measure.
“Our experience with Direct Digital Control has been a very positive one. The product they delivered has been very easy to operate and the training given by Direct Digital Control staff was very thorough. The support we received—both through training and ongoing customer service has been exemplary,” said Senior Electrical Engineer for Heartland Consumers Power District, Adam Graff.
Heartland Consumers Power District made innovative choices to improve efficiency. With the help of Direct Digital Control’s hands-on approach, extensive training and the energy-efficient systems, Heartland Consumers Power District earned its status as the first Platinum LEED job in South Dakota. For more information on LEED, click here.
To learn how Direct Digital Control can help make energy work for you, call 605.575.3739.